Monday, February 12, 2007


per ken's request, i'll be adding our weekly blessing to the blog.
thanks to all of you for being so supportive of it.

you are blessed.
your inheritance is waiting,
since the dawn of time
when God molded chaos...
even then,
the Kingdom was waiting for you.
you are blessed
because at one point
you too were a stranger.
someone was kind to you
because you were different.
someone listened
when no one else would,
and perhaps even clothed, fed, or cared for you...
a stranger.
you are blessed
as you attempt to open your eyes.
your blindness is gone...
if you choose it.
your heart is softened...
if you want it.
and your hands will begin to help...
if you will only try.
you are blessed
as you choose love over indifference
as you meet eyes with a stranger
as you individually and corporately seek to help
as you are overwhelmed
as you cry out against injustice
and as you are taken into the warmth unseen
as a friend...
no longer a stranger.
be loved.
be welcomed.
be blessed.


CzechFest said...

I have read this a couple times now, thanks JA for the inspiration.I was just thinking, yes how blessed I am and what a responsibility to be a blessing I have.

Blessed to be a blessing,what a Jewish-Muslim-Christian thought!

CzechFest said...

I have read this a couple times now, thanks JA for the inspiration.I was just thinking, yes how blessed I am and what a responsibility to be a blessing I have.

Blessed to be a blessing,what a Jewish-Muslim-Christian thought!