Friday, September 22, 2006


i'm not sure if any of you guys have noticed...but if you read over our wellspring blog (or any blog for that matter) and if you haven't previously logged in and then you try to leave a comment, says this:

"to log in...choose an identity"

i like that. i like that the thing i see right before i log in to our wellspring space is "choose an identity".

that's what you guys are doing. you're allowing me to grow and to figure out just who "juli" is. you're giving me space...

some of you may not know or not have noticed, but i won't be able to be with you guys for the next two weeks. count it...that's 3 thursday and 2 sundays. that's ridiculous. thing is, i agreed to help nanny for some friends. they're in italy and i've got their 3 kiddos.

(yes becky shuman, juli is playing mommy. who would have thought it!)

so i'm sad...and kinda lonely. i read ken's blog today about y'alls discussion group last night and i almost teared up.

i miss my family.

so there. nothing profound...simply wanted to say thanks for always allowing juli to be juli and for letting me fail, and grow, and apologize, and learn, and back-track, and experience.

i love you all. so much.

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