Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Some questions I wish someone would answer!

Why do we judge people without getting all of the facts first?
Why is it that we are so rigid and narrow minded that if someone disagrees with us they become the enemy?
Why is it more important to us to be right than it is to be loving?
Why is it that we are so afraid to dialogue about anything other than what we already believe? Why is it that we’re so sure of our beliefs that we won’t even consider the fact that we may have gotten some pieces wrong?
Why does it seem that the "gospel" isn't "good news" to many people anymore?
Have we done something to distort or miscommunicate the original message of Jesus?
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus?
What should a discipled of Jesus be doing?
How do you make a disciple?
Where do you start - if you want to address the injustice in the world?
How do I make the world a better place?
Why is it so hard to really live in community?

I have other questons - but these will do for now.


juli said...

we're broken.

...that's all i got for right now.

i'll post more later.

KC said...

I took the questions you pose and changed the "we/us" language to "I/me" . . . ouch . . . that hurts even worse. As you point out almost every week we get together, I have no answers for you but this ... maybe we have community, hard as it is, so that we can at least ask these things aloud. And know that we'll be heard, not judged.

Anonymous said...

Don't know but what you've written is true and it discourages me so much that I want to quit at least once a week...sometimes more. How do you keep going.

tp6795 said...

I counted 13 questions; I'll try to answer as many as I can:
1) I find that many folks hold back a crucial fact or two. Could this be self-preservation or manipulation?
2) I don't know...
3) Sadly, too many of us forget that sometimes the MOST LOVING thing we can do is to make someone aware of his/her error. Jesus did this alot.
4&5) I believe many are more afraid of being called "narrow minded" and "bigots" because they hold to beliefs...back to #2???
6) The "gospel" is not "good news" to many because: A) they see so little transformation in the lives of those who proclaim the "good news", and B) the Gospel calls us to quit conducting our lives in the same old way...too many are satisfied with the same old ways.
7) Yes, and it usually starts with our own bad conduct.
8) It means to daily DECIDE to follow the way of Jesus and it means taking real risks...the Original 12 took great risks.
9) Living a life worth exemplifying...Paul called his readers to follow his example. He exhorted Timothy to point out the error of "myths and old wives tales" to the early church. He also told Timothy that if he continued to live a life that paid attention to character issues such as speech, conduct, love, faithfulness, and purity, then no one would question the authority of his teaching these things in light of his youth.
10) Like Paul told Timothy, "walk the talk" (baldpiggy1 Abridged Version)
11) Perhaps begin with the injustices closest to home; only then will the world take notice.
12) Again, start closest to this case, the content of your own heart.
13) Sadly, because we tend to hurt the worst those we love the most...